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MadronaASAP: COVID-19 special

by | Apr 29, 2020 | General

Madrona Advogados send out the new COVID-19 special: On today’s Madrona ASAP, get to know about the suspension of the effects of PPD 954 that required telecom companies share clients’ data, decision in the state of Santa Catarina requiring the reinstatement of employees that had been mass terminated, videoconference in Small Civil Claims Courts and about updates to the emergency measures of states, as well as decisions in the cities of the state of São Paulo with regard to local rules that were not in compliance with state norms. We also bring you an article about the effects of the pandemic on administrative agreements and a video about whether it is possible for employers to transfer to the government the responsibility for paying severance under the factum principis argument. Lastly, we invite to get to know more about the online course “Electric Power Law”, under the coordination of our Energy partner Rodrigo Machado. We hope this makes available, as soon as possible, relevant information and legal analysis for you to make decisions. We are here for you! We are #MadronaAdvogados

LABOR – READ HERE Labor Court of Santa Catarina determines the Mass Terminated Employees be Reinstated, in face of the COVID-19 Crisis

PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION – READ HERE Provisional Presidential Decree 954/2020 is suspended by the Brazilian Supreme Court – Read the informative by the team led by partner José Luis Camargo Jr.

INFRASTRUCTURE – READ HERE mpacts of COVID-2019 on Administrative Agreements – Read the material prepared by our Infrastructure team led by partners Rosane Menezes and Rodrigo Machado.

CIVIL – READ HERE Law 13,994/20 establishes the use of videoconferencing in Small Civil Claims Courts. – Check out the informative prepared by the team led by partners João Toledo and Luciano Rocha.

LEGISLATION – READ HERE Main updates to emergency measures related to Covid-19 – Read the informative by partner Milena Mazzini’s team.

ENERGY – On May 4-7, IBDE will have the online course “Electric Power Law”, with the participation of experts in the area.   Our Energy partner, Rodrigo Machado, is the coordinator and will teach the first class on Mau 4: “Energy Constitutional Law and History of the Electric Sector”. For additional information, click here.

LABOR – Fernanda Dias Ferraz, attorney in our Labor team, spoke to the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Brazil about whether employers may transfer to the government the responsibility of paying severance for termination of employment agreement upon allegation of factum principis. You can watch here.

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