Our member law firm MacRoberts from Scotland share many new articles on their websitewith the following topics:
FAQS & Practical Steps for Business in Scotland
Practical Steps for Personal and Family Matters
COVID-19 09/04/2020 COVID-19: Financial support package for charities announced
COVID-19 07/04/2020 COVID-19: Scottish Business Resilience Centre on Leadership Resilience
COVID-19 07/04/2020 COVID-19: Scottish Business Resilience Centre on Cyber Security & Fraud
COVID-19 07/04/2020 COVID-19 and the construction sector (as at 7 April 2020)
COVID-19 06/04/2020 Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: Your questions answered
COVID-19 06/04/2020 Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS) Update: Expansion
COVID-19 06/04/2020 Impact of the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill on litigation in Scotland
COVID-19 03/04/2020 COVID-19 and payment of rent: What can be done?
COVID-19 03/04/2020 COVID-19: Keeping contact alive during isolation
COVID-19 02/04/2020 COVID-19: What can your business do to boost its immune system?
COVID-19 01/04/2020 COVID-19 and Distance Direct Marketing: Adapting to social distancing customers
COVID-19 30/03/2020 COVID-19: Impact on Scottish Courts and Tribunals
COVID-19 27/03/2020 COVID-19: Guidance to signing Scots law documents remotely & electronically
COVID-19 27/03/2020 Scotland takes domestic abuse seriously
COVID-19 26/03/2020 COVID-19 and Data Protection