Great atmosphere creates perfect meeting of professional friends in Amsterdam

by | Dec 5, 2022 | News, Workshops and Events

‘Family-feeling’, ‘friendship’, ‘great atmosphere’: these are the first words of feedback we’ve received after our meeting in Amsterdam, this 17-19 November. 

Actually, the main goal of our meetings is to reunite, while reassuring our trustful relationships, and being amongst old and new professional friends during some intense days of discussing, brainstorming, dining and having fun. Sounds good? It indeed is. Our meetings form the basis of the network, we’ve decided again. Meeting online works well to keep in touch and to exchange knowledge, though meeting in real life works so much better. Nothing beats that.   


We’ve shared common thoughts and ways of working on several interesting topics. How does the Swiss firm Wenger Vieli manage the recruitment of new associates? They shared their experience. One thing really blew the other members minds: the recruitment process yet starts at Highschool-age. Inspiring to see how investing in young students works out well for the firm.  

New member in Ukraine 

The online introduction of our new member-firm in the Ukraine was an impressive meet and greet with a firm that keeps up a good spirit under difficult circumstances. The lawyers of SLA Attorneys sounded optimistic and strong, doing everything to help their clients in- and outside the country to continue (business)-life as good as possible. Whenever needed, they can count on the expertise of our network.  

Best practice 

It’s a good tradition to share best practices during our meetings. The presentation of UK-firm BDB Pitmans and the Germany-based ljh Lindlbauer was a good example of how an international best practice brings mutual benefits for both the firms and the client involved. Main insight: based on 25+ years of friendship, the firms knew they could fully trust on each other’s experience in assisting the client, instead of hiring a top 10 firm in the market.  


Now the EU introduces new legislation on digital services and cybercrime, every member (and every organization) needs to know the implications of the Digital Services Act and the new Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2). Jasper Hulsebosch of De Vos & Partners presented his findings on this Act. His presentation is published here.   

Challenging a recession 

How to improve the profits and efficiency of a law firm, with a recession ahead? Some clear insights in how several lines of expertise in a law firm can and should collaborate better were presented by the CFO of Greenberg Traurig in The Netherlands. The presentation on law firm management and an article about the same topic are published on the website.  

Great presentations, great locations, but above all: a fantastic group of like-minded professional friends made the Amsterdam-meeting a success.  

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